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  Web.config changes in Sitecore CMS 6.3.0 rev. 100928 compared to Sitecore CMS 6.3.0 rev. 100830

Select the link below to download the Web.config file of the default Sitecore CMS 6.3.0 rev. 100928 installation:

Notice that in this update, a new setting was added to the Sitecore.WebDAV.config include file, as described below, so you should make changes to both the web.config file and the Sitecore.WebDAV.config file.
Here is the list of changes made to the Web.config file of Sitecore CMS 6.3.0 rev. 100928 as compared to the Web.config file of Sitecore CMS 6.3.0 rev. 100830:

  1. Check if your web.config file contains a "getMediaCreateOptions" pipeline (this will be the case if your solution was upgraded to 6.3 from 6.2 Update-4).
    Otherwise, add the pipeline to the section <pipelines>.
  2. Check if you web.config file contains a "XmlControls.OutputDebugFiles" setting (this will be the case if your solution was upgraded to 6.3 from 6.2 Update-4).
    If the setting is not already present, add the following lines to the <settings> section:
    <!--  XmlControls.OutputDebugFiles
          Specifies if the code for compiled XmlControls will be saved as *.cs file.
          If true, the *.cs files will be saved in to the debug folders associated with the XmlControls,
          typically /sitecore/shell/applications/debug or /sitecore/shell/controls/debug.
          Default value: false
    <setting name="XmlControls.OutputDebugFiles" value="false"/> 
  3. Add the following setting to <settings> section of the /App_Config/Include/Sitecore.WebDAV.config file: 
         Uses a shorter URL format for opening WebDAV folders, using the unique ID of the folder.
         Setting this to false will use the full media library path in the WebDAV URL, which can reduce performance.
         Default value: true
    <setting name="WebDAV.UseShortURL" value="true"/>